
Paynet's Fraud Protection Keeps You Safe

All Paynet member merchants' transactions are monitored for malicious activity and any violations are immediately blocked. This ensures that you receive your payments safely.

Special algorithms and measures developed by Paynet engineers monitor each transaction. Anti-counterfeiting solutions, consisting of a multi-layered protection network, establish a logical link between transactions and detect violations that may be committed by malicious individuals.

Secure Sales and Trade

All Paynet products and solutions such as PayPortal, Paylink, CepPOS and Paynet API work in harmony with the fraud prevention system. All transactions are controlled by technological solutions developed by Paynet's engineers and security teams.

Anti-Social Engineering Solutions

Malicious social engineering transactions are automatically monitored by anti-fraud solutions and the company is notified if a breach is suspected. This prevents potential breaches by malicious individuals.

High Security without Integration

Anti-counterfeiting solutions are activated as soon as Paynet products and solutions are used. The system works automatically without the need for Paynet member merchants to be included in an additional security integration program.

CBRT License and PCI-DSS Security

All your collections with Paynet payment solutions have the assurance of Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye License and your card information is protected in accordance with the international PCI-DSS Level 1 security certificate.

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